To ensure that this money reaches the most vulnerable people who need it most, we must press governments to:
- Build checks and balances into climate policy
- Ensure flows of money are transparent
- Monitor and be accountable about where they go
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The climate crisis is arguably the biggest global challenge we have ever faced. The cost of responding to it, adapting to and mitigating the worst effects of global heating will be immense. These huge financial investments create tempting opportunities for corruption.
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International funding for environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation is set to reach over US$100 billion per year by 2020. Much more will be spent through domestic budgets. Most of these investments flow through new, uncoordinated and unmonitored channels, with grey areas and loopholes in regulations. This risks exploitation from corrupt interests.
Earth Day 2017
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The climate crisis affects all of us and corruption weakens our ability to respond to its impacts. If we are going to do something about it, we must start with ensuring that our city, state, and national governments meet their climate goals. International coordination is also key when it comes to this truly global issue.
Almost all governments have pledged climate finance and to take climate action. But is their ambition sufficient and how are decisions being made? Whose interests are represented and are your representatives acting with the highest degree of integrity?
The rates of corruption in climate vulnerable countries receiving climate finance is a serious cause for concern. The climate funding landscape is complex and fragmentary, complicating efforts to track financial flows (there is still no universally agreed upon definition of climate finance), and to ascertain who should be held accountable for decisions and their results.
Climate finance means many things, but falls into two categories:
money to stop climate change worsening, including for renewable energy, clean transport, carbon markets or reforestation projects
money to help countries and communities already suffering, such as for flood defense, irrigation systems or emergency shelters
We need to act together and put good governance at the centre of climate finance and action.
We are committed to preventing corruption and shining a light on existing corruption risks and are pushing for changes:
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Integrity Pacts can protect EU’s green investments; successful projects in Greece, Hungary and Slovenia show how.
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The connections between the climate crisis and corruption aren't always obvious, but unfortunately the two are deeply interlinked
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Designing 2030: Truth, Trust & Transparency
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When they deliberate over amendments to the global wildlife trade regime, CoP18 must address impunity for illegal timber trafficking in Africa as a matter of high priority.
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This report highlights findings and lessons from cases of corruption documented in Transparency International’s online Climate and Corruption Case Atlas, the first digital tool of…
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This policy brief explores where and how corruption arises when using climate geoengineering technologies and examines the power dynamics behind their creation and implementation.
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This report reviews the governance frameworks of the Adaptation Fund, the Climate Investment Funds, the Global Environment Facility, the Green Climate Fund and the Central Africa…
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This study is an attempt to identify gaps, obstacles and opportunities for improving governance of forest climate finance to the benefit of communities in recipient countries and…
Features monitoring and analysis of the nearly US$100 billion invested in climate prevention and adaption.
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