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International Anti-Corruption Conference 2022: Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values

20th edition of world's largest anti-corruption gathering set for 6-10 December 2022 in US capital

20th IACC announcement image. US monuments in gold against a dark blue background.

© Transparency International

Years of insufficient action against corruption by governments have led us to a critical juncture: while we continue to grapple with the vast and unprecedented consequences of the pandemic, kleptocratic regimes are endangering the global order. Corruption fuels these threats, hinders responses and endangers every person’s right to live in peace and security.

This makes our global movement against corruption more important than ever. Together, we can build on our achievements and accelerate our momentum in the fight for the future we want.

If we are to have a shared future that still values human rights, sustainability and the rule of law, firm and concerted action is required. We call on all governments, international organisations, businesses and members of civil society to join us. Together, we can defend democratic values and uproot corruption from the system – for the world we want.
Huguette Labelle Chair of the International Anti-Corruption Conference Council

Now is the time to shift gears and tackle corruption at its roots.

This year’s conference will take place at a crucial point in history. Facilitating intelligence-sharing and game-changing partnerships, it will push anti-corruption efforts to the forefront of the global agenda and boost responses to our most pressing shared threats.

The fight against corruption is at a tipping point. We are now witnessing the consequences of decades of weak responses and lapsed commitments. We must urgently close loopholes, expose accomplices and tighten the net on kleptocrats everywhere, while adhering to essential principles of transparency and accountability to the public
Delia Ferreira Rubio Chair of Transparency International

As the first and largest anti-corruption gathering in the world, for almost four decades the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) has united all sectors and movements behind the most serious global corruption challenges. The conference brings together 10,000 people from 180 countries and all walks of life. Connecting world leaders to international networks, activists, experts, journalists, businesses and more, it has created the momentum for landmark anti-corruption initiatives.

The 2022 International Anti-Corruption Conference will be hosted by the United States government and organised by the IACC Council and Transparency International. It will take place in a hybrid format, giving participants the chance to attend online or in person.

Registration for the conference will open in June, and announcements about high-level speakers and workshops will follow.

Registration is now open. Get your ticket for the 2022 conference today.

Register here



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