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G-8 and BMENA governments must commit to the ratification of the UN anti-corruption convention

Implementation of 3 key changes will make a dramatic impact on corruption in Broader Middle East and North Africa region

Transparency International has delivered a Platform for Action, including three anti-corruption recommendations, to the foreign ministers of the Group of Eight (G-8) nations and the Broader Middle East and North Africa region (BMENA). The recommendations, presented to the ministers today at the Forum for the Future in Bahrain, include:

  • Ratification and implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Jordan and Algeria are the only BMENA countries and France the only G-8 country that have ratified the UNCAC, which constitutes the main international anti-corruption instrument both for the G-8 and the BMENA region;
  • Implementation of policies and practical measures to ensure transparency in public financial management, through establishing public consultation processes, involving the private sector and civil society, and adopting policies for transparency in procurement;
  • Translation of promises into anti-corruption actions: widespread corruption is preventing achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, generating poverty, poor health and ineffective education systems.

Adoption of Transparency International’s recommendations by the foreign ministers will help raise standards of living, especially for the poor, who suffer each day from a lack of education, health care and employment opportunities as a direct result of corruption,” said Cobus de Swardt, Director of Global Programmes at Transparency International. “This unprecedented partnership between civil society, the private sector and governments in the broader Middle East will help move the region into a new era of opportunity for future generations to live a life free of corruption’s devastating impact,“ he added.

As part of a G-8 BMENA partnership initiative, the Forum for the Future aims to support educational and economic reforms in the region. TI national chapters have been working with other civil society organisations and the private sector in the “Civil Society Dialogue on Transparency and Anti-corruption”, supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom. During three such meetings in the region, a total of 25 countries from the region and all of the G-8 were represented.

“The G-8 BMENA partnership initiative constitutes an important step towards a real and constructive reform process, particularly in its involvement and active engagement of non-state actors,” said Jasim Al Ajmi, the head of the TI civil society delegation to the Forum for the Future and representative of TI Bahrain.

Civil society organisations look forward to the implementation of the recommendations. “It is critical that this partnership produces actual, concrete results, with full monitoring mechanisms to ensure their implementation,” stated Kamal Mesbahi, also a member of the delegation and representative of TI Morocco.

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TI is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption.

Note to Editors:

See TI’s recommendations:
Platform for Action - Transparency and Anti-corruption (English)
Platform for Action - Transparency and Anti-corruption (Arabic)

As to date, 133 countries have signed the UNCAC, but only 35 ratified and deposited it. See the complete list.

For any press enquiries please contact

Neda Mansouri
Programme Coordinator of G8 BMENA civil society dialogue on anti-corruption and transparency
Phone: +49-30-3438 20-13

Sarah Tyler
Transparency International
Phone: +49-30-3438 20-45
Fax: +49-30-3470 3912
Email: [email protected]