CPI 2023 for Eastern Europe & Central Asia: Autocracy & weak justice systems enabling widespread corruption
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The region is struggling with dysfunctional rule of law, rising authoritarianism and systemic corruption.
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The region is struggling with dysfunctional rule of law, rising authoritarianism and systemic corruption.
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High-level corruption is closely linked to political instability, weakened institutions and – in the most extreme cases – violent conflict.
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Kleptocracy in Russia has thrived thanks to the complicity of advanced economies, who are now waking up to its dangers.
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In the second lowest performing region on the CPI, many political leaders have used COVID-19 as a smokescreen to introduce restrictions on rights and accountability, or have…
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Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the second-lowest performing region on the CPI and vulnerable to corruption compounded by COVID-19.
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While swift government action to the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic is essential, clean public procurement can also save lives.
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Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the second-lowest performing region on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), with an average score of 35. Across the region, countries…
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Twenty-five years ago, when Transparency International was founded, corruption was seen as the necessary price of doing business and something so deeply ingrained that exposing…
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The explosive Pulitzer Prize-winning global media project known as the "Panama Papers" turned three years old, and there are many reasons to celebrate.
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In a region where only one country scores over 50 out of 100 and all other countries score 45 or less out of 100 on the index, there has been very little progress in combatting…
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Across the world, Transparency International chapters work hard to help the public become involved and engaged in the fight against corruption.
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In September last year, a massive leak of bank records from 2012 to 2014 showed that the ruling elite of Azerbaijan ran a $3 billion slush fund and an international money…
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As follow-up to the regional analysis of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, additional examples from Albania, Kosovo and Georgia highlight the need for more progress in…
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In 2017, authoritarianism rose across Eastern and South East Europe, hindering anti-corruption efforts and threatening civil liberties. Across the region, civil society…
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Ukraine has taken a first step in the fight against corporate secrecy and corruption by agreeing to share data on who ultimately owns and controls Ukrainian companies.