![G20 leaders pose for a group photo on 15 November 2014 in Brisbane, Australia. Volkan Furuncu / Anadolu Agency](https://images.transparencycdn.org/images/20241107-G20-corporate-transparency-Put-your-money-where-your-principles-are.jpg?auto=compress&fit=crop&&w=16&h=9.1428571428571)
G20 & corporate transparency: Put your money where your principles are
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Ten years weren’t yet enough for G20 to establish adequate beneficial ownership registers.
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Ten years weren’t yet enough for G20 to establish adequate beneficial ownership registers.
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The region is struggling with dysfunctional rule of law, rising authoritarianism and systemic corruption.
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High-level corruption is closely linked to political instability, weakened institutions and – in the most extreme cases – violent conflict.
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Corruption and conflict fuel each other. This underlines the urgent need for transparency and anti-corruption efforts to create a safer world.
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Unless measures against illicit finance are prioritised, G20 is on track to lose anti-corruption credibility at the Bali summit.
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Kleptocracy in Russia has thrived thanks to the complicity of advanced economies, who are now waking up to its dangers.
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In the second lowest performing region on the CPI, many political leaders have used COVID-19 as a smokescreen to introduce restrictions on rights and accountability, or have…
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We listened to the experiences of corruption among people facing discrimination and uncovered some disturbing patterns.
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Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the second-lowest performing region on the CPI and vulnerable to corruption compounded by COVID-19.
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Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the second-lowest performing region on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), with an average score of 35. Across the region, countries…
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Political integrity means exercising political power consistently in the public interest. However, defining exactly what constitutes the public interest is both difficult and…
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Top scoring countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) like Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are not immune to corruption. While the CPI shows these public sectors to be…
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Twenty-five years ago, when Transparency International was founded, corruption was seen as the necessary price of doing business and something so deeply ingrained that exposing…
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A week ago, German newspapers published evidence of the former Vice-Chancellor of Austria and a colleague apparently negotiating corrupt deals with the purported niece of a…
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The globalisation of world trade and finance has been accompanied by an internationalisation of corruption. The G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group therefore has the potential to be…