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Street art shows a young boy laundering sacks of cash in a washing machine

Nothing to see here? Middle-men in the UK and Spain are falling short of anti-money laundering requirements

Theo van der Merwe

Dirty money

We work to close the loopholes in the global financial system that allow corruption schemes to thrive, and money stolen from people to be laundered and hidden.

A composite illustration showing the world map with dirty money hotspots highlighted; various elements include: a yacht, public official hiding his identity, a banker leaning against a washing machine, a mansion and an activist

CPI 2022: Trouble at the top

News •

While 2022 has seen some progress, advanced economies are still not pulling their weight in the fight against cross-border corruption.

An illustration showing a laundry machine which blends into a mansion with a businessperson pocketing the money next to it, and a detective following the trail of money coming out of the laundry machine

CPI 2023: Trouble at the top

News •

Top-scoring countries on the CPI have long fuelled transnational corruption. It's time they embrace change.


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