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Corruption is still hindering the prospect of Kosovo

Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI)/Transparency International Kosova (TIK), published the Corruption Perceptions Index 2012, prepared by the world renowned organization against corruption, Transparency International. Based on Corruption Perceptions Index 2012, Kosovo remains among the countries with the highest level of corruption, just like a year ago. This fact is disturbing. Kosovo is ranked number 105, in the same place as Algeria, Armenia, Bolivia, Gambia, Mali, Mexico and Philippines. This comes as a result of the passivity of our institutions, excluding Kosovo from countries immune to corruption. Moreover, even this year, Kosovo did not manage to come closer to regional countries either, due to their progress in fighting corruption. These countries are ranked higher in this index. A good example is Croatia, ranked number 62.

A more detailed comparison of our country in relation to the countries in the region would be as follows: Croatia ranked number 62, Macedonia 69, Bosnia and Hercegovina 72, Serbia 80, Kosovo 105, and Albania 113.

In the global level, Corruption Perceptions Index 2012 ranks Denmark, Finland and New Zealand the most honest countries, on a scale to 90. Representatives of Transparency International claim that these countries have achieved this position due to a strong system of access in official information and rules of conduct.

Afghanistan, Northern Korea and Somalia are again ranked at the bottom of this index. The lack of leadership accountability and effective public institutions in these countries highlight the need to gain a stronger position against corruption.

Considering the lack of attention and deeds of Government, as well as responsible institutions that aim the fighting of corruption, KDI/TIK expresses huge disappointment for their lack of willingness to confront this phenomenon. Each day, corruption is making citizens’ lives more difficult; it is choking the business and forbidding the overall development.

The stumbling in fighting corruption is a result of the lack of willingness of the executive to guarantee the independence of other powers, on the principle of separation of powers. The practice so far has proved that the political class in power, in various forms is influencing other powers and independent institutions. This has caused the general perception of the country being caught up.

Considering the poor functioning of law and order bodies, and the strength and influence of politicians over them, our country has stagnated in law implementation, especially those aiming the fighting of corruption. Whereas, knowing that corruption in our country is more present in high level state positions, the poor functioning of responsible institutions in fighting corruption, it is impossible to hope that the later will sanction the corrupted senior officials.

Another serious barrier that is hampering the attack on corruption is nepotism. Its presence is continuing to remain massive, settling down in the highest and crucial public institutions. Meantime, the lack of willingness of our institutions to eliminate this practise has caused anti-corruption laws and mechanisms to fail.

According to KDI/TIK, the sole solution towards improving this situation lies in Government’s approach to fight corruption, starting from within. Further steps need to be undertaken for necessary reforms to strengthen every independent state institution; particularly, the institutions for the rule of law and order.

Understanding this situation and fighting corruption is one of the key priorities of our citizens and one of the main messages of European Commission. Therefore, KDI/TIK calls upon the Government and all responsible institutions to show great dedication in achieving progress and concrete results in fighting corruption, nepotism and organized crime. On the contrary, the presence of these phenomena will continue to hamper the improvement of citizens’ lives and slowing down our road towards European Union.

For any press enquiries please contact

Merita Mustafa
Kosova Democratic Institute - KDI
Transparency International Kosova - TIK
Phone: +381 (0) 38 248 038