CPI 2023 for Western Europe & EU: Rule of law and political integrity threats undermine action against corruption
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Leaders are losing public trust as they undermine limits on their power and act without integrity.
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Leaders are losing public trust as they undermine limits on their power and act without integrity.
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While once again the top-scoring region in the CPI, anti-corruption efforts have stalled in most countries for more than a decade.
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Unless measures against illicit finance are prioritised, G20 is on track to lose anti-corruption credibility at the Bali summit.
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Despite a few breakthroughs, top trading countries are failing to punish bribing companies and compensate victims.
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Loopholes and capacity issues undercut multilateral efforts initiated in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
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Western Europe and the EU still tops the CPI, but the COVID-19 pandemic has threatened transparency and accountability across the region, leaving no country unscathed and exposing…
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New EU survey reveals almost a third of people think corruption is getting worse in their country. A further 44% think it’s not getting any better.
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Western Europe and the EU is the highest performing region on the CPI, but is under enormous strain due to COVID-19.
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New investigations reveal back-room deals and secretive campaigns involving the tobacco industry are far from being a thing of the past.
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Fourteen of the top 20 countries in this year’s CPI are from Western Europe and the European Union (EU), including nine countries from the EU alone. Despite being the best…
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National governments aren’t the only ones failing African citizens in the fight against corruption.
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What voters should know as they head to the polls.
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The globalisation of world trade and finance has been accompanied by an internationalisation of corruption. The G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group therefore has the potential to be…
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With an average regional score of 66 out of 100, Western Europe and the EU are doing far better than other parts of the globe. However, for a region that prides itself on some of…
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Across the world, Transparency International chapters work hard to help the public become involved and engaged in the fight against corruption.