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Transparency International Turkey worried about rising violence, moves against freedom of expression

TI Turkey volunteer lawyer Kaan Bayülken taken into custody at Çağlayan Court

Turkish lawyers who wanted to exercise their freedom of expression were today violently oppressed in court while trying to make a statement emphasising the supremacy of justice and law. Reportedly, nearly 50 lawyers were arrested by force. TI Turkey condemns the violence used against the lawyers who were exercising their right of peaceful demonstration, and demands those lawyers be set free.

Today, the protest demonstrations and peaceful movements that were started to protect Gezi Park have reached the 15th day. As of June 11 morning, the violence observed in the intervention occurred in Taksim worries us as the freedom of expression and the peaceful environment are increasingly jeopardized.

Although it was stated that there would be no intervention, it is reported that tear gases are thrown into the park and many individuals were affected from the gas.

As Transparency International Turkey, we call for all authorities to put an end to the interventions and discourses that are far from solution and remedy, and to pay attention and to regard the demands of the citizens. Democracy is only possible with the effective participation of the people in decision making processes and protection of the freedom of expression.

For any press enquiries please contact

Chris Sanders
+49 30 34 38 20 666
Email: [email protected]