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Transparency International statement on its former chapter in Croatia

Update to 14 March statement with information about Transparency International’s name and logo

In December 2015 the Transparency International Board of Directors informed the Transparency International chapter in Croatia of its decision to disaccredit them as a member of the TI movement.

After a reconsideration process at the request of TI Croatia, the Board’s decision to disaccredit TI Croatia was re-affirmed and the former chapter notified on 10 March 2016 of the final decision.

The Board’s decision to disaccredit is taken with regret. However, TI Croatia remained a weak chapter despite support from the TI Secretariat for more than two years to try and help the Chapter to improve. The Board’s decision reflects a lack of confidence that TI Croatia could become a leading member of civil society in Croatia in the fight against corruption. The reasons for this included:

  • TI Croatia showed little engagement with other national advocacy CSOs.
  • TI Croatia had not raised sufficient financial resources.
  • The quality and impact-level of TI Croatia activities was not satisfactory.

Transparency International’s dedication to support anti-corruption work in Croatia remains unabated and we trust the former TI Croatia will continue to pursue that goal albeit without being associated with Transparency International. This means, the organisation has to cease use of the name and logo of Transparency International.

Finally it is important to state that the individuals and volunteers at TI Croatia are highly respected by Transparency International for their work.

For any press enquiries please contact

Chris Sanders
T: +49 30 34 38 20 666
E: [email protected]