Transparency International - Cyprus publishes 3rd Annual Corruption Perception Survey
Transparency International - Cyprus has published its 3rd Annual Corruption Perception Survey. The findings indicated that the general public is concerned that politicians at national and local level as well as officials awarding public tender abuse their power the most for personal gain. Ninety one per cent of the respondents felt that corruption is a major problem in the country and 79% feel that it will increase due to the financial crisis. The findings are available at:
Cognisant of the findings, above, as well as the financial crisis in the country, TI-C has provided the government its suggestions to combat corruption. The suggestions deal with political accountability, institutional setting, law enforcement and judiciary, public administration and state controlled entities. In addition TI-C has prepared an asset disclosure template as well as a suggested framework regarding asset disclosure to assist the government in implementing asset disclosure of elected politicians as well as appointed Ministers. The full report in English is provided at:
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