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Transparency International - Asia Pacific Chapters call for civic space protection and eligibility criteria

The Asia Pacific Chapters of Transparency International movement, who met in Bali Indonesia prior to the Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific Regional Conference, herewith recognize the importance of the Open Government Partnership as a strong platform in promoting transparency, accountability and people’s participation in governance.

We demand the governments in the region who are already members of the partnership to fully live up to the principles of their commitment and particularly to ensure the meaningful role that civil society has to play. This includes providing sufficient time for multi-stakeholder consultation in developing national action plans, reaching consensus with CSOs on national action plans and recognizing the space of civil society in monitoring the commitment made.

“Government, through inclusive process has to mainstream the principles of open governance in legal framework, decision making and policy implementation to ensure the creation of clean government and the welfare of their people,” said Dadang Trisasongko, Secretary General Transparency International Indonesia.

Given that the four OGP eligibility criteria is an entry point in promoting transparency, accountability and civic participation, we call all the governments in the region to meet the criteria independent of their intention of joining the partnership.

Transparency International Chapters, Asia Pacific Region:

  • TI Indonesia
  • TI Nepal
  • TI New Zealand
  • TI Korea
  • TI Thailand
  • TI Cambodia
  • TI Japan
  • Towards Transparency Vietnam
  • TI Malaysia
  • TI Philippines
  • TI Papua New Guinea
  • TI Australia
  • TI Bangladesh

For any press enquiries please contact

Ilham B. Saenong, Program Director Transparency International Indonesia
T: +62 8181 68441
E: [email protected]

Rukshana Nanayakkara, Regional Outreach Manager Transparency International - Asia Pacific Department
T: +49 30 34 38 20 666
E: [email protected]