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Media advisory: Could defence companies become role models for anti-corruption practice?

Transparency International UK’s Defence and Security Programme will release its new report—‘Raising the Bar’—detailing good anti-corruption practices in defence companies such as BAE, GE Aviation, Fujitsu, and many more on 10 June at 18:00 London time.

‘Raising the Bar’ expands on our Defence Companies Anti-Corruption Index (CI), using results from our study of 129 companies from 31 countries that have combined total revenue of over USD 500 billion.

The report identifies and discusses seven areas that distinguish the better companies with respect to their anti-corruption practices. This collection of examples from the defence industry can also help raise the bar in other sectors, and enable their partners and customers to hold them to account.

‘Raising the Bar’ supplements this seven-part analysis with 104 good practice examples from companies studied in the CI.

A press release, the reports and other material will be available online at

For any press enquiries please contact

Maria Gili
Communications Officer
Transparency International UK Defence and Security Programme
[email protected]

Zachary Mehan
Communications Assistant
Transparency International UK Defence and Security Programme
[email protected]