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Civil society coalition calls on G20 to tackle illicit financial flows

We, the undersigned civil society organisations, urge the Group of Twenty Countries (G20) to:

  • recognise the link between illicit outflows of capital from developing countries, absorption of those resources by tax havens and secrecy jurisdictions, and the adverse impact those flows have on poverty alleviation and economic development;
  • call on the Financial Action Task Force to amend its recommendations 33, 34, and VIII to provide that the beneficial ownership of all companies, trusts, foundations and charities be made a matter of public record;
  • reiterate the need for all jurisdictions to help recover the proceeds of bribery, embezzlement and other forms of corruption, and in particular to call on states to increase resources to investigate and prosecute corruption cases; to encourage the use of both criminal and non-conviction based asset forfeiture methods, and to provide coordinated, timely and effective mutual legal assistance, as promised by the G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial Declaration of 11 May 2004;
  • instruct the International Accounting Standards Board to recommend that all multinational corporations report their income and taxes paid on a country by country basis; and
  • call on the OECD to create and promote a single multilateral agreement for effective tax information exchange between all jurisdictions.

For more information on the coalition, visit
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Organisation Country Organisation Country
Access Info Europe International Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation Aruba
ActionAid International Mitigating Endemic Democratic Problems Australia
Anti Slavery International International Transparency International Australia Australia
Cafod International Uniting Church in Australia Australia
Christian Aid International EITI -NGO's for Extractive Industries Transparency Azerbaijan
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative International Transparency International Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women International Bahrain Transparency Society Bahrain
Global Witness International Bangladesh NGO Network for Radio and Communication Bangladesh
International Council of Women International BRAC University Bangladesh
International Trade Union Confederation International Voice Bangladesh
Islamic Relief Worldwide International Credcentre Benin
La Strada International International Club-Journalists against corruption Bulgaria
Public Services International International Buddhsim and Society Development Association Cambodia
Tax Justice Network International Pact Cambodia
Tearfund International Cameroonian League for Human Rights Cameroon
Tiri International Federation of Environmental and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human Rights (FEEDAR & HR) Cameroon
Transparency International -Secretariat International Global Network for Good Governance Cameroon
UNICORN -Global Unions Anti-corruption Network International Humanus International Cameroon
SNAPAP Algeria Research Alliance for Development Cameroon
Asociacion Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia Argentina Canadians For Accountability Canada
Fundacion Mujeres en Igualdad Argentina FAIR (Federal Accountability Initiative for Reform) Canada
Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina -Foro de VIH Mujeres y Familia Argentina Transparency International Canada Canada
Poder Ciudadano Argentina Chile Transparente Chile
Transparency International Armenia Armenia Partnership for Social Development Croatia
Organisation Country Organisation Country
Oziveni Czech Republic Transparency in Nigeria Nigeria
Ibis Denmark Women Environment & Development Network (WEDEN) Nigeria
AICO-Arab Organization for International Cooperation Women in Publishing (WIP) Nigeria
Arab Thought Forum Egypt Women's Right to Education Programme (WREP) Nigeria
Center for Egyptian Women's Legal Assistance Egypt Zero Corruption Coalition Nigeria
Participatory Development Program (PDP) Egypt Attac Norway
Fundacion Nacional para el Desarrollo (FUNDE) El Salvador Norwegian Church Aid Norway
Youth Education Forum F.Y. Republic of Macedonia DISCOVER Pakistan
Foundation Open Society Institute F.Y. Republic of Macedonia GINI -Governance Institutions Network International Pakistan
Transparency Zero Corruption F.Y. Republic of Macedonia PILDAT -Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development & Transparency Pakistan
Transparentnost Macedonia F.Y. Republic of Macedonia Society for the Empowerment of People-STEP Pakistan
CCFD-Terre Solidaire France Transparency International Pakistan Pakistan
Helio International France AMAN -Transparency International Palestine Palestine
Plate Forme Paradis Fiscaux et Judiciaires France Grupo de Trabajo Contra la Corrupcion (GTCC) / Work Group against Corruption Peru
Sherpa France National Human Rights Coordination Body Peru
Transparency International France France Proetica Peru
NGO ArtIdea Georgia Business for Integrity 2020 Philippines
TRACC -Georgia Georgia Global watch Philippines
The Johanniter Germany Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK) Philippines
Transparency International Germany Germany Transparency and Accountability Network Philippines
Ghana Integrity Initiative Ghana Transparency International Philippines Philippines
Centre for European Constitutional Law Greece Ummah Fi Salam Philippines
Accion Ciudadana Guatemala Asociatia Romana pentru Transparenta Romania
Stat View International Guinea Trade Union Elie Radu Romania
Afrikaplatform Hungary Transparency International Russia Russia
Civil Society Development Foundation Hungary Transparency International Rwanda Rwanda
Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights Hungary Forum Civil Senegal
K-Monitor Hungary REPAOC Senegal
National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions Hungary Africa Youth for Peace and Development Sierra Leone
Centre for Applied Sociology India Youth Partnership for Peace and Development Sierra Leone
Gram Bharati Samiti India Open Society Foundation (OSF) Slovakia
The National Center For Peace & Development India Transparency International Slovakia Slovakia
Transparency International India India Integriteta-association for ethics in public service Slovenia
Indonesia Corruption Watch Indonesia Transparency International Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
LEIP Indonesia Human Rights Trust of Southern Africa South Africa
National Law Reform Consortium Indonesia Institute for Security Studies (ISS) South Africa
Partnership for Governance Reform / Kemitraan Indonesia T.F.A.C (The Fight Against Corruption ) South Africa
Telapak Indonesia Heungsadan (Young Korean Academy) Transparency Movement South Korea
Transparency International Indonesia Indonesia K-Pact Council South Korea
Iraqi Center For Transparency and Corruption Iraq Transparency International Korea South Korea
Kurdistan Anti Corruption Network Iraq Transparency International Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Dochas Ireland Transparency International Sweden Sweden
Transparency International Ireland Ireland Basel Institute on Governance -ICAR Switzerland
OMETZ Israel Transparency International Switzerland Switzerland
Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale (CRBM) Italy Uniting Church in Australia Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
AfricCOG -Africa Centre for Open Governance Kenya Transparency International Chinese Taipei Taiwan
Bunge la Mwananchi Kenya Luta Hamutuk Institute Timor Leste
Kenya tuitakayo: Citizens’ Coalition for Constitutional Culture Kenya Transparency Institute Trinidad and Tobago
Transparency International Kenya Kenya Transparency International Uganda Uganda
Kuwait Transparency Kuwait Water Governance Institute Uganda
Public Investigation Bureau Latvia Association for Accountancy and Business Affairs United Kingdom
Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives (AGENDA) Liberia Partnership for Transparency Fund United Kingdom
Center for Transparency & Accountability Liberia Protimos United Kingdom
Transparency International Lithuania Lithuania Rights & Accountability in Development (RAID)
Transparency Zero Corruption Macedonia Tax Research UK (Richard Murphy, Director) United Kingdom
Baholalao Integrity Safeguard Committee Madagascar The Corner House United Kingdom
Centre for Public Policy Studies Malaysia The office of Lord Brennan, UK United Kingdom
Libertad en accion Mexico Trades Union Congress (TUK) United Kingdom
Transparencia Mexicana Mexico Transparency International UK United Kingdom
MANS Montenegro War on Want United Kingdom
Etica y Transparencia Nicaragua World Wildlife Fund UK United Kingdom
Association Nigérienne de Lutte contre la Corruption (ANLC) Niger American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative United States
African Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) Nigeria Financial Intelligence Council United States
African Youth Empowerment Nigeria Hills Program on Governance United States
Blossom Nigeria Project Nigeria Project on Organizing Development Education and Research United States
Equity Advocates Nigeria The Jus Semper Global Alliance United States
Grass Root Anti-Corruption Awareness Network Initiative Nigeria Transparency International USA United States
Independent Advocacy Project (IAP) Nigeria Observatorio Hannah Arendt Venezuela
Moms Club International Nigeria Nigeria Provea Venezuela
Nigeria Labour Congress Nigeria Transparencia Venezuela Venezuela
NPA Nigeria Nigeria Citizens Forum Zambia
Publish What You Pay/NEITI Nigeria Transparency International Zambia Zambia
Save Earth Nigeria Nigeria
Socio-Economic Rights & Accountability Project (SERAP) Nigeria

For any press enquiries please contact

Deborah Wise Unger
Tel: +44 20 8960 2526
Mobile: +44 74321 666 22
[email protected]