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Humanising development: portraying the human element

To showcase successes in the development process, the UN Development Programme’s International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) in collaboration with Transparency International and other organisations has launched a global photography campaign on humanising development.

Despite the work taking place everyday improving the lives of millions of people around the world, development is often depicted by images of desolation and despair. IPC-IG and Transparency International aim to counterbalance this representation by promoting people’s successes in areas critical to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

The worldwide campaign will include a series of photo exhibitions in several cities around the world; a photo gallery to be permanently located at the IPC-IG office and open for public visitation; and a photo database that will be shared with the campaign partners and several UN agencies and departments.

Anyone can participate in the global campaign by uploading a photograph on the campaign’s website. Photos should fit in one of the campaign’s 14 thematic areas related to the Millennium Development Goals, such as empowering people to overcome corruption, poverty and social exclusion.


Transparency International is the civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption

For any press enquiries please contact

Mr. Francisco Filho, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
T: (+ 55 61) 2105 5036
E: [email protected]

Michael Sidwell
T: +49 30 343820 664
E: [email protected]