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Transparency International calls for the continued independence of Italy’s High Commissioner against Corruption

Transparency International is highly concerned with the Italian government plans that would compromise the independence of the country’s High Commissioner against Corruption by merging the Office with other public departments.

The move stems from a decree by the Italian Government, on 25 June 2008, to cluster and merge all public institutions with less than 50 staff, including the Commissioner’s Office.

The Office, which was established in 2003, serves as a focal point for anti-corruption efforts in Italy, providing impartial assistance and advice to whistleblowers, witnesses and victims of corruption alike.

“The independence of the Commissioner is crucial to the fight against corruption in Italy, a battle that the country cannot afford to loose,” said Maria Theresa Brassiolo, chair of TI Italy. “This independence is also mandated by the UN Convention against Corruption, signed by Italy in 2003, along with 139 other nations.”

To ensure the effectiveness of anti-corruption efforts in Italy, and to promote the integrity and respect for its international commitments, TI calls on the government of Italy to pass an amendment excluding the Commissioner from the planned restructure and reinforce the Office’s effectiveness.

  • The World Bank estimates that in Italy every year close to EUR 50 billion is lost to corruption in the public sector alone.
  • Among western European countries, Italy scores very poorly on TI’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI), with only Greece doing worse.

For any press enquiries please contact

Maria Theresa Brassiolo
Chair of Transparency International Italia
T: +39-02-4009 3560
Fax: +39-02-406829
E: [email protected]