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TI Global Corruption Barometer 2007 for Pakistan finds corruption in Media and Judiciary reduced considerably

In the GCB 2007 survey report released by Transparency International, citizens who paid bribe of in Pakistan in 2007 has increased to over 30% as compared to 15% in 2006, a 100% increase in corruption. The most corrupt sectors amongst 14 sectors surveyed are Police (4.3), followed by Tax (4.1), and Utilities department, Political Parties, and Registry and permit services (3.9). The least corrupt are Religious Groups (2.7) followed by Education (3.0), Military (3.2), and Media (3.3), (1 meaning not at all corrupt, 5 meaning extremely corrupt)

Globally Political parties are ranked as the most corrupt(4.0) and Police as the second Most Corrupt (3.6), and Religious Bodies as the least Corrupt(2.8).

According to GCB 2007, only 20% of the citizens in Pakistan think that the government effort to fight corruption is somewhat effective as compared to Singapore where 88% of the citizens of think that the government effort to fight corruption as the most effective.

The most improved sectors in anticorruption efforts in last the 12 months are Judiciary and Media, and the sectors where the corruption has increased are Tax and NGOs.

Syed Adil Gilani, Chairman TI Pakistan said that Pakistan needs to have Rule of Law in the country, and political will to apply rules and regulation across the board, to achieve the goal of reducing corruption. Political will, judicial independence and effective non-discriminatory accountability mechanism, for those civil/defence departments as well as the public corporations and authorities not complying with the procedures including appointments, privatization and Public Procurement Rules 2004, is urgently needed to successfully combat corruption which is defined as “Misuse of Authority for personal gain”.

For any press enquiries please contact

Saad Rashid
T: 9221-5390408
E: [email protected]