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Climate Governance Integrity Programme

Climate & Corruption Case Atlas - Climate Governance Integrity Programme

  • Indonesia

Corruption in Indonesian REDD+ Projects

Corruption Type

Bribery, Collusion

In countries where forest protection projects are implemented under REDD+, enforcing project boundaries is a key challenge. Too often, corporations or individuals encroach on the areas under protection to start illegal logging, mining, or palm oil operations. This is evidenced, for example, in several project sites in Indonesia, according to a 2018 report. Local authorities did not take action, as they had reportedly been bribed or had personal ties to the perpetrators. In some cases, policemen asked for bribes from affected communities or project staff in exchange for their help. Overall, the illegal activities led to a 15% decrease in carbon capture and destroyed around 17,000km2 of forest – that’s more than twice the area of the capital city of Jakarta.

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