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Transparency International e.V.

Based in Berlin and founded in 1993, Transparency International e.V. leads our global advocacy and international initiatives, supports national chapters and coordinates our regional work.

One of the associations key achievements has been coalition building. Bringing together a wide variety of representatives – including policy makers, other civil society organisations, citizens, companies and the media – to drive forward the anti-corruption agenda.

Transparency International e.V. has played a crucial role in creating and strengthening global anti-corruption initiatives, such as the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, the UN Convention against Corruption and the UN Global Compact.

The associations relationship with chapters is one of mutual support. Drawing on our broad expertise, Transparency International e.V. helps national chapters develop context specific tools and techniques to address corruption. It helps ensure that we have the necessary financial and human resources to effectively tackle corruption.

Transparency International e.V. also gathers international support for chapters facing pressure or intimidation in their respective countries.

Chapters provide insight and national level research to complement our global research tools. They also participate in regional projects coordinated by the association and influence our work, including our strategy and policy positions.

Together our chapters and Transparency International e.V. produce:

  • numerous research products
  • toolkits
  • policy positions

It also manages a knowledge centre and help desk, offering valuable insights and new approaches to address corruption.

Transparency International e.V. is led by Daniel Eriksson, CEO, and overseen by the Board of Directors.